
4 Ways to Improve Car Dealership’s Customer Service

Too many car dealerships measure their success by their sales figures, and while that is obviously highly important, it is not enough for long-term success. Without significant investment and effort in your customer service, your reputation could be damaged beyond repair. In addition, if your staff are not motivated in the right way and engaged with your brand, they may leave for a competitor taking their experience with them. If you are concerned about the quality of the customer service that you are currently providing, it is time for a change. Here are four ways to improve your car dealership’s customer service:

1. Give your customer waiting area a makeover

How much attention have you given to your customer waiting area? If you have simply put out a few chairs and a water cooler, it is time to rethink. Imagine that you are a customer waiting to be seen by a member of your staff or considering making the significant purchase of a car. You might be there for some time, and during that time, you can either feel relaxed and welcomed or uncomfortable and frustrated. Which mood would you rather your customers were in when you are serving them?

There is a range of steps you can take to make your waiting area more appealing, from free WiFi, good coffee, and a snack machine to a television and massage chairs.

2. Improve your customer communications

After a sale is completed, will the customer hear from you again? If the answer is no, it is worth investing in CRM software and implementing a communications strategy. If you can keep the lines of communication between your dealership and the customer open, you increase the likelihood that they will think of you when they need a repair, service, or their next vehicle.

CRM systems will store key information about your customers and make it easier to personalize your communications and marketing. For example, you can get in touch at the time when a service is due, let them know about loyalty perks, or when a promotion is available that they may be interested in.

3. Streamline your delivery process

The professional car haul company that you use to transport your vehicles should be the best you can afford. With the right service in place, you can access expedited shipping with real-time updates and 24/7 reporting that will help you to plan your vehicle delivery more accurately.

4. Focus on staff retention

Retaining talented and experienced staff is key to your long-term success. Companies with a high turnover of staff have to spend a lot of time training new recruits only for them to leave soon afterward. It can also lead to additional recruitment costs, reduced morale amongst remaining staff, and reduced performance.

There are several ways to keep your staff motivated, engaged, and loyal to your company. Many car dealerships run reward schemes for staff who hit their targets, for example, but it is also vital to show them that they are valued as skilled individuals. Click here for more on making employees feel appreciated.

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