5 Tips For New Drivers on Their First Trucking Job

5 Tips by Which You can Establish a Flourishing Trucking Career
Despite what is taught in a truck driving school, life on the road is going to be vastly different. While truck driving training centers will prepare you for it, you’ll realize a lot of things once you set out on your own. However, given the fact that these trips are extremely long, you’ll realize a lot of things the hard way. That is why keeping these things in mind can make the journey a tad bit easier.
Money, Load, and Experience
In the initial days, you are not going to make much money. This is because the dispatchers are trying to assess you and your performance. Because of that, you’re going to get the simplest of dispatches, or the ones with the least money. However, you should still take them all. It is through these little ones that the progression to the bigger bucks becomes easier. Therefore, when you see senior drivers snagging all the exciting loads, it is important you do not complain or crib about it. Besides, taking any job improves work ethic and makes you a reliable person.
However, you should remember that life on the road isn’t always as lucrative as they make it out to be in the truck driving school. It has long and odd hours. Therefore, it is better that you talk to your family members because chances are that you’re going to miss quite a few gatherings, birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates.
Social Relations
Making friends with the shippers and dispatchers is going to be very important. In many cases this will help you grow faster in the organisation. Besides, having cordial relationships with other drivers ensures that you get insider information regarding the trucking life — something they don’t teach you in truck driving schools.
Even if you aren’t going to be friends with everyone, it is important to have warm relations with them. There are things you can do to achieve that. Carry cleaning supplies with you. It is important to have clean trucks not just for your own hygiene, but also for impressing the safety officers, your clients, and convincing the dispatchers that your vehicle and your work ethic are reliable.
Diet and Exercise
You can’t always rely on truck-stops and other restaurants for your food. You’ll not only become broke remarkably fast, you’ll also become extremely unhealthy and soon unfit for driving long distances. It is important that you plan your food requirements beforehand and carry some food with you. In fact, you can also carry an inverter, or a 12-volt stove. That way, you can always cook while on the road. It will also be useful if you keep something to munch on, like dry fruits, beef jerky, or the likes.
You need to remember that you’ll be driving for really long stretches. Your body won’t be able to bear so many hours of you sitting down and turning the wheel if you don’t have enough stamina. Most drivers advise post-trip workout. In fact, you can always take short breaks and workout in between. But even then, it is important that you schedule in some exercise.
Entertainment, Productivity, and Timeliness
The importance of reaching on time can’t be emphasised enough. This will not only give you credibility with the customers and your company, but also give you time to squeeze that one extra trip before your work week ends. However, life on the road isn’t as exciting and wanderlust-inducing as your truck driving schools might have made it out to be. You need entertainment, the lack of which can affect your productivity. Bring along something to read, or your gaming consoles or whatever you’re interested in. This will break the boredom and help you enjoy the trucking life.
Have Some Tools Handy
You might have to drive in all sorts of weather. Apart from learning to drive intelligently, you will also need to keep some tools handy. You’ll most definitely need a GPS. Keep essential cleaning and disinfectant supplies handy. Engine tools, fuel, wires, spare pipes (a good source is FindItParts.com) are some of the most essential things you need to keep on hand.
Training with NewWay
NewWay truck driving school in Missisauga is one of the best that Canada has to offer. With classroom training on par with industry standards, and practical application gearing students for life on road, NewWay Truck and Forklift Driving School prepares you not just as a truck driver, but as someone who knows how to manage the vehicles, and grow to be a self-sufficient professional.
Also read: How to Get A Forklift License in Canada