
How to Organize a Wheelchair Accessible Vacation

Life when using a wheelchair can feel restrictive at times, especially when you come up against opportunities that fail to recognize the need for accessibility in every aspect of society. These can sometimes include vacations since wheelchair users tend to have a range of mobility issues that require tailored support when traveling. This doesn’t mean, of course, that you can’t enjoy a fun and relaxing vacation in a faraway land. Everyone deserves the opportunity to unwind from the stress of everyday life and take themselves away to their version of paradise. Here are some tips to help you organize your ideal wheelchair-accessible vacation.

Research Your Accommodation

Wherever you plan on traveling in the world, choose your accommodation with wheelchair accessibility as one of your top priorities. While some hotels may be attractive, they might not be designed very well or have adequate wheelchair access points. Depending on your personal circumstances and budget, you also don’t want to compromise on the quality of the hotel. Even if somewhere boasts excellent wheelchair accessibility, make sure you like the look of the room, so you know that you’ll enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

Consider Your Main Travel Options

If your vacation involves traveling overseas, make sure you book tickets with an airline that makes sure its wheelchair-using customers are well catered for. Read plenty of reviews and ask people you know what their experiences were. Weigh up whether you would prefer to save money but risk an uncomfortable flight or spend a little more and enjoy your journey. If traveling by plane is not your style, there are also cruise ships that offer wheelchair-accessible facilities to make your time aboard much more pleasant.

Choose Memorable Activities

Vacations are all about removing yourself from the boredom of routine and throwing yourself into the fun of a temporary new life. You might prefer a vacation that involves a lot of exploration and adventure, or maybe you enjoy simply relaxing in the sunshine and reading a book. Either way, the internet is your best friend for finding out in advance where you can find wheelchair accessible activities once you arrive at your destination. Using services such as wheelchair accessible vehicles can help you choose from a broader range of activities and travel further afield.

Try a Tour Company

If you feel like taking the pressure off and handing the reins to the experts, a travel or tour company can be a great alternative when planning a wheelchair-accessible vacation. They can advise you on the best hotels, restaurants, and tourist destinations without you having to either research them yourself or arrive only to find no suitable access or adjustments for wheelchair users.

Planning a vacation is always hard work, especially if you also have to take into consideration ways to accommodate your wheelchair. This doesn’t mean you can’t create the ideal getaway for yourself and your loved ones where you can forget your troubles and make lasting memories.

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